In the first week of July 2013, the Swiss Export Promotion Agency, SIPPO, visited the FACTS cluster member companies.The visit was organized for the better knowing SIPPO with the capabilities and needs of the FACTS cluster member companies,and for further intervention and assistance to the FACTS cluster through the support program of the Swiss Agency SIPPO. Meetings were held in Ada,in Leonardo doo company , in Arilje, in the companies Jasmil doo and Garman doo, in Čačak, in the companies PS Fashion doo and Tiffany Production doo, in Subotica, Eminent doo, Belgrade, with companies AMC doo, Ivković doo and Luna doo, in Pančevo with the company Passage doo, as well as in Petrovaradin, visiting the company Tib Stil doo. After a visit to member firms, a mutual working meeting was held in the facilities of the FACTS cluster and the agreed way of further work of the cluster FACTS and the support of the Swiss SIPPO.