Na poziv Evropske komisije iz Brisela, klaster FACTS je uzeo učešće i prezentovao svoj rad uvaženom skupu EuroTexa, na Euro-Mediteranskoj konferenciji kreativnosti, inovativnosti i tekstilne i modne industrije Evromediteranskih zemalja, u periodu od 24.-25. marta 2014. godine u Firenci, Italija. Menadzer Fashion apparel cluster Serbia, gospodja Sladjana Milojevic je održala izuzetno uspešnu i zapaženu prezentaciju Klastera FACTS.
U Klaster FACTS stiglo je i pismo od strane delegacije:
„Dear participant cluster FACTS Serbia, of EuroMed conference on creativity, innovation and IPR in textile and clothing industry,
We would like to thank you very much for your active participation in the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue on textile and clothing industry.
We hope you enjoyed the inspiring presentations and stimulating discussions during the Euro-Mediterranean conference on creativity, innovation and IPR in textile and clothing industry, 24-25 March 2014 in Florence. Nearly 140 people from 35 countries representing policy makers (European, national, regional and local), industry (industrial associations, chambers of commerce, companies and SMEs) and academia (research centres, fashion and design schools) participated in the Euro-Med conference.
We hope that the event has provided you with lots of opportunities to establish new contacts and that depending on the topic, you would be willing to take an active role in future such conferences.
For your information please find the link to all the presentations http://ec.
Thank you very much
Kind regards
DG Enterprise and Industry
Unit „Textiles, Fashion, Design and Creative Industries“ (E3)
BREY 11/130| 1049 Brussels“